Belfiore Aesthetics | Medical Micro Needling
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Medical Micro Needling

26 Feb Medical Micro Needling

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Microneedling is a treatment whereby a device with small needles is pushed over your face and neck
area to create controlled punctures, which force your skin into repair mode. The
micro-needle length can vary from 0.5 to 3.0 mm, which is incredibly tiny compared to a
traditional needle and these devices are gentle enough to be used around the delicate eye area.

What are the benefits of micro-needling?
The benefits of Micro-needling occurs when your skin starts repairing itself. It does this by boosting your body’s natural ability to produce collagen and elastin, which provides that firm
plumpness and also helps improve skin texture, reducing the appearance of scars and stretch marks
and creating a more youthful skin tone.

What to expect from a professional micro-needling treatment?
The procedure starts with your face being numbed with an anesthetic cream. “The treatment
can be tailored to the specific needs of the patient and can result in just a few hours of redness,
and mild swelling. Depending on your tolerance levels, these
symptoms can last for one to two days and you can also experience pinpoint bleeding and

How many and how often will you need to have a treatment?
The number of sessions depends on the skin condition, but typically you;re looking at 3-5
treatments in 4-6 week intervals with maintenance treatments every 6-9 months for best results.