Ayomipe knew the battle line had been drawn when Chichi mentioned that her ex, Enyinna would be at the wedding that weekend, she was going to slayyy! Four days to the wedding, her skin started to itch and get dry and she screamed the house down when she looked into the mirror to see her face had been riddled with ECZEMA.
She panicked, she had to show Desmond that she was doing very well and her makeup had to be on point to drive home that fact but now, she had to figure out how to get rid of the monsters on her face in 4 days! Her mom was a home skincare guru, so she showed mummy her face and told her the situation about her ex who her mom wasn’t really crazy about!
Mom said, “hope you have been washing your face with your sponge? All this thing appears when you don’t wash your face well”. Jessica never washed her face with the sponge, she felt it was too harsh but, she’d do anything to get rid of eczema. She took her mother’s advice, bathed, washed her face with the sponge and even scrubbed the affected areas until they hurt and afterward applied ointment.
Her mood lifted as she believed everything was better until the next morning, the areas she scrubbed were getting discolored and eczema seemed to be spreading, she knew she had to talk to a professional because she had just 3 days to the owambe of the century and she would let nothing get in the way of her slayage…
First things first, Eczema doesn’t show up because you are dirty, okay? So don’t be like Jessica and start to scrub your face with a sponge, it’s not advisable!
Here are a few things you should know about eczema
- If you get eczema a lot, sweetie, you are not a freak. Eczema is one of the most common skin diseases in blacks, and it happens to both young and old, so you’re not alone.
- It is basically dermatitis, i.e. inflammation of the skin. Generally, In whites or light-skinned people, it’s usually red, dry and itchy, but in blacks, your skin pigmentation makes it appear dark or brown, dry and itchy.
- ; although symptoms may vary due to type of eczema (there are different types) and skin type.
- It could be lighter(hypopigmentation) or darker (hyperpigmentation) than the original skin color.
- There is no widely known cause but, research shows that it could be genetic(inherited) if the family has a history, or due to environmental factors like weather, or in the case of people who live in urbanized areas, eczema could be caused from allergens present in the atmosphere from dust, soot, etc.
- It could also be caused as a result of allergens and irritants from food, clothing, medication or even skincare products.
Jessica took matters into her own hands and went ahead to not only scrub her face but also her inflamed skin to the point of exposure! This is no way to solve a skin issue, especially if you have a major owambe in 3 days. Now with the help of a dermatologist, let’s hope it’s not too late to remedy the situation. Stay close to find out what happens to Jessica in the Nextpost.
Have you ever suffered from Eczema? Tell us some of the outrageous self-care solutions you tried!
Stay beautiful!