Belfiore Aesthetics | Collagen Induction Therapy
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Collagen Induction Therapy

17 Feb Collagen Induction Therapy

What is Collagen Induction Therapy?

Collagen induction therapy also known as Microneedling is a minimally-invasive procedure that aims to improve the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and scars by stimulating existing collagen and elastin. It has become quite popular with both patients and clinicians, because it is safe and effective.

Microneedling is a procedure involving superficial and controlled puncturing of the skin by rolling with miniature fine needles which can either be a derma roller or micropen. It uses small needles to prick the skin. The purpose of treatment is to generate new collagen and skin tissue for smoother, firmer, and more toned skin. Microneedling is mostly used on the face and may treat various scars, wrinkles, and large pores.

It is majorly used as a collagen induction therapy for facial scars and skin rejuvenation. In addition, it is now as a transdermal delivery system for therapeutic drugs and basic vitamins.

Who can get the procedure done?

Clients with the following concerns can have this procedure done:

  • Acne scar
  • Post-traumatic/burn scar
  • Alopecia
  • Skin rejuvenation
  • Drug/Vitamins delivery
  • Stretch marks
  • Wrinkles and many more.


How does Microneedling work?

It is normal for the skin to lose collagen via age or injury. Microneedling works by encouraging your skin to make more collagen. The idea is that pinpricks from the procedure causes slight injury to the skin and this causes the skin to respond by making new collagen-rich tissue.

This new skin tissue is, in turn, more even in tone and texture. By encouraging the skin to make new tissue, it often results in a firmer skin.

What is required for Microneedling?

Depending on the Indication, you may need to use a derma roller or an eclipse. Solution to be Micro needled into your skin may vary depending on your concern. Mostly used is hyaluronic acid serum which has been proven as a good solution in retaining moisture in the skin and encouraging good skin healing. However, in the treatment of hyper pigmentation, certain vitamins such as vitamin C can be micro needled into your skin, helping with your concern.

Do you know about PRP Microneedling?

PRP (platelet rich plasma) Microneedling involves needling into the skin, a part of the blood known as Plasma which is rich in certain proteins helpful to the skin in tightening, rejuvenation and achieving a more toned skin.

It has proven to be a very good treatment for the skin, yielding nice results, although its mode of mechanism has not been discovered yet.

Why is a consultation required?

A consultation with a Certified Aesthetic Doctor is required prior this procedure. It entails history taking which is needed in ruling out possible contraindication. It also determines what instrument either a derma roller or micropen and solutions will be needed for the procedure in relation to your skin concern.

Please Note: Due to the nature of this procedure, there is possible risk of infection and we advise that you visit a clinic which is well equipped, and consist of health professionals. This is because health professionals are knowledgeable about infection control and this guarantees your safety.

Our Clinic is run by a Medical Doctor ‘Dr. Uju Rapu’ who also has Certifications in dermatology and Aesthetics. Call us via 07031951642 for more information!