Belfiore Aesthetics | Non Surgical Nose Job
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Non Surgical Nose Job

16 Feb Non Surgical Nose Job

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What is a Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty?
The non-surgical Rhinoplasty, or non-surgical nose job is a
revolutionary non-invasive cosmetic procedure that allows the nose to be reshaped without
surgery which is done through the use of injectable filler.

The non-surgical nose job can correct imperfections on the nose, making it
more balanced and symmetric with the rest of the face. This restores facial harmony and can
result in a very pleasing, natural appearance.
Expectation for Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty or Nose Job?Injectable Fillers now contain Lidocaine (numbing agent) which works to numb the region being injected so that the patient usually does not feel any pain. That means increased comfort and ease for patients who want a
non-surgical rhinoplasty.
Period for a Non-Surgical Nose Job?
Patients are always happy to discover that the entire treatment can be successfully accomplished
in less than 20 minutes! Dermal filler treatments can be performed quickly and easily, and the
outcome of a non-surgical nose job is instantly gratifying!
Recovery Time for a Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty or Nose Job?
The recovery following a non-surgical rhinoplasty is quite simple. Patients usually find that they
can return to their normally scheduled activities right away. They might experience the most swelling for up to 1 to 2 days following. It is not unusual for slight swelling to remain for 7 to 10 days afterwards, but it is usually very minimal.

Result for Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty or Nose Job?
Non-Surgical Nose job results typically will last up to 1 year. For non-surgical rhinoplasty, we
advise that clients return for maintenance before the 1-year mark in order to maintain the overall
look, contour, and shape created for the nose with the dermal filler.

Enquiries welcome