Belfiore Aesthetics | Nutrients required for weight loss
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Nutrients required for weight loss

07 Jun Nutrients required for weight loss


Are you overweight or underweight? Do you know that your body metabolism plays a major role in determining your actual weight?

Body metabolism is simply all chemical reactions your body undergoes in order to maintain and sustain life. It is subdivided into two;

Catabolism which means how your body breaks down food molecules and convert them into energy for body use.
Anabolism which simply means how your body utilizes the energy released by catabolism to synthesize complex molecules.

Your body needs to maintain a balance between these processes for one to stay healthy and maintain a good body weight. This therefore makes metabolism a very vital aspect in maintaining a good body weight.
However, studies have shown that Vitamins helps in regulating our body metabolism. Deficiency in one or more of these vitamins can alter the metabolic pathway and thus reduces your body metabolism rate which in turn, results in overweight. So in ensuring weight loss, you will definitely need adequate intake of vitamins which diet alone might not be able to provide in relation to your body need.

This therefore explains the importance of vitamin supplements of which includes: Vitamin B, Vitamin D, and Vitamin C.
You can get supplements orally but we recommend for faster results, an intravenous route .Some of what you need basically includes:
Vitamin B complex (which comprises of the B1 –B12 which are essential in helping your body metabolize carbohydrates, protein, fats and also use the stored energy in foods)
Vitamin C (which is needed to help produce L-carnitine needed in increasing metabolism for weight loss)
l-Carnitine (a basic nutrient in ensuring weight loss)

Benefits of L-CARNITINE

l-carnitine is a basic nutrient needed by the body to cause an increase in body metabolism rate which in turn boost weight reduction. Although, your body produces it out of amino acid and methionine, you will as well need adequate intake of vitamin C for your body to produce it in sufficient amount.
L-CARNITINE is now available in injections for intravenous route which gives better result with weight loss. You can contact +2347031951642 for more enquiries.